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Gravitational field principle METHODOLOGY
20 - 21 april, BARCELONA
gravity - fear - resistance - integrity
The Art of Free Falling on Land offers a brief introduction to GFP (Gravitational Field Principle) eductional program, a methdology that integrates holistic and somatic practices. Free Falling on Land course has been structured by practical and theoretical segments that may have beneficial impacts on the domain of injury prevention and human longevity. Ultimately the goal is about embodying a sense of inner freedom by releasing the self from the burden of unconsciously fighting against gravity.
Within a safe environment the process has the power to reveal dysfunctional behavioural patterns in relation to the fear of falling, which appears innate to humans. Such an inborn instinctual fear inevitably influences the formation of the nervous system, particularly during the first years of human growth and development. The methodology consists of inviting each individual to tactfully taste their own sense of structural destabilisation and feelings of groundlessness. Exercises are meticulously tailored with the purpose to reveal hints of dysfunctional patterns on the nervous system level. Gentleness and sensitivity are vital qualities to support the building of self- confidence and internal trust in the individual physical capacities and limitations. Students will take the challenge to undergo simulations and reproductions of a falling situation from a very subtle approach, our fertile learning ground to read and map with tremendous sophistication and precision the intricate dynamics between physical blockages, stored emotions and psychological resistances. It's important to observe that this orchestration of complex qualities is addressed towards the falling and gravitational context solely.
Conceiving falling as a state of consciousness is more than an allegory, it appears as a planetary condition in the inescapable and mysterious relationship with gravity. It's only because we are constantly falling, that we can afford to feel the weight of our bodies on the skin and bones. If we weren't locked within the gravitational field, we would be in a state of constant groundless/weightless floating and spatial disorientation, with no possibility to experience an intimate and solid relationship to the earth beneath our feet that generously holds the whole of us.
This inescapable gravity-earth relationship is the cradle for all the human neural-structural development and consolidation. Once reaching an upright straight axis, we begin to live in constant negotiation towards gravity and the fear of falling. At the beginning of life, children establish a playful and joyful gravitational exploration in the imminence of an actual fall. The way small children sustain the sense of a balance is conducive for a healthy growth and development of the psycho-motor skills. As we grow older, our relationship with gravity begins to get compromised. The fluidity qualities succumb to a more self-imposed mental fighting attitude which may undermine a healthy cultivation and relationship towards gravity and the fear of falling.
This approach is suitable for a variety of branches in the body-mind field such as body-work, somatics, physical-therapy, mindfulness, neuroscience, sport science, trauma release, psychotherapy, breath-work. It is also utterly empowering for the ordinary people, those naturally passionate towards any kind of sports, martial artists, dancing, yoga and parkour and any other activity that involves gravity.
20 - 21 April 2024
12:00 - 17:00
• First 5 applications - 145€
• Regular fee - 175€
Carrer de l'Equador, 25,
bajos 1a, 08029 Barcelona
Bruno was born out of sheer fascination and joy towards movement. Human movement research has become more than his lifelong professional pursuit but a wholehearted way to manifest his soulful projects and visions. Since 1985 Bruno has been studying and integrating knowledge from various movement and somatic disciplines such as capoeira, martial arts, dancing, watsu, aquatic somatics, freediving, qi-gong and breath-work from Butyeko and Oxygen Advantage lineages. In 1995 Bruno started his teaching trajectory by heading a capoeira social project at a psychiatric hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Ever since Bruno has been sharing his integrative knowledge tirelessly all over the world in 40 countries.

However it's the particular relationship to the water element and to the gravitational field that lies the quintessence of Bruno's uncompromised dedication to body-mind-spirit practices. Furthermore Bruno has been gifted with a direct transmission of a very unique knowledge imparted by Alexander Solovev, a grandmaster in Russian martial arts. Lately Bruno has been expanding immensely his professional horizons through the elaboration and refinement of his own methodology that aims to bring and bridge such a precious gravitational principle, a hidden secret language, boundlessly to people from all walks of life.
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    © Event by Formless Arts