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Brussels, 22 November

Liquid Body is a holistic somatic practice in the water and on land, philosophy in flow, that invites each of us to get in touch with our ancestral memories and aquatic roots. In the early embryonic stages, the human body is essentially made up of fluids. We are originally liquid beings and the water, this indispensable element for the creation of all living forms, represents the maternal feminine archetype. Getting in touch with this oceanic legacy of our internal sea has the power to stimulate individual and collective healing processes through liberation of inner blockages and unnecessary gravitational burden we tend to store and carry in our bodies. It is known that the physical structure loses its original fluidity over the years, regardless.
Our bodies may become crystallized at a much faster pace, though, due an interplay of environmental stressing factors. The natural aging process associated with a nervous system conditioned to unconsciously fighting against gravity are determining in stirring us away from our fluid embodiment. In the Liquid-Body perspective, a corporal gesture is regarded as a reflection of our states of consciousness, and therefore studying movement qualities becomes an optimal way to explore the complexity of what it means to be human. In this mind-body intricate interplay, inhabiting a liquid body ignites a more plastic, resilient and adaptable regulated nervous system, the cultivation of a living process that is ever-evolving in continuous transformation.
This session will be facilitated in a pool heated to 35 degrees, the ideal temperature to provide deep connection and immersion with the liquid surroundings. The floating qualities to move freely and weightlessly on and under the water in all directions can deliver powerfully exhilarating experiences. In the pool we will use some basic Watsu elements as a gateway to individual and collective underwater explorations and extrapolations. The direct contact with water has the power to awaken ancestral memories, dissolve stagnant emotions, promote profound relaxation, which might become a catalyst for altered states of consciousness that transcends the ordinary perception in the manners we experience the boundaries of our own bodies and minds. Breath-work plays a central role in the process overcoming the fear of traveling softly and safely under the water in apnea.
WATER Session
"Gravityless BODIES"
This inescapable gravity-earth relationship is the cradle for all the human neural-structural development and consolidation. Once reaching an upright straight axis, we begin to live in constant negotiation towards gravity and the fear of falling. At the beginning of life, children establish a playful and joyful gravitational exploration in the imminence of an actual fall. The way small children sustain the sense of a balance is conducive for a healthy growth and development of the psycho-motor skills. As we grow older, our relationship with gravity begins to get compromised. The fluidity qualities succumb to a more self-imposed mental fighting attitude which may undermine a healthy cultivation and relationship towards gravity and the fear of falling.
Land Session
“Free Falling”
It's known that water is resilient, adaptable and has no defined shape while interacting with gravity. Water molds itself and takes the shape to its container and the surface it interacts with. Under gravity, water not only moves through spirals and waves but becomes the embodies of those motifs, even though it is always striving to return to its original spherical shape. Sphere is the original form of the water and that can be verified with Astronauts playing with water in outer space. In the absence of gravity water forms a perfect fluid sphere, a defined form that symbolizes totality or a sense of unbroken wholeness that is never rigid and does not resist to maintain its structural integrity.
The fascinating water properties
The first shape of the human body is a single cell, mostly composed of fluids, a liquid sphere from which every physical structure is originated.

The body of a newborn baby is an expression of that aquatic heritage. The anatomic design of the human body has been evolved to support freedom of movement and joint mobility. The downside of being endowed with an extremely articulated body is to have that original sense of fluid wholeness compromised, which increases with aging. Conversely, a jointed body that is conducive for mobility implies an inevitable fragmented functioning, a paradoxical condition we will examine thoroughly.
The first shape of the human body is a single cell
For all body types, age and background, for lovers of nature, anyone wishing to get in touch with the body, regaining the freedom of movement. For practitioners of manual therapy, yoga, meditation and other related fields, Liquid Body provides a diversity of tools and techniques which can be integrated into the profession and daily life.
Au Bord de L’Eau
Early Bird 115€ till 1st Nov
Regular Fee 135€ from 2nd Nov
22 November
10:00 am - 17:00 pm
Bruno Caverna is a pioneer in creating authentic multidisciplinary body-mind practices like Play-Fight and Liquid-BodyPractices as well as the GFP Program.

Bruno is a seasoned martial artist with nearly 40 years of experience, a professional dancer, choreographer, aquatic therapist, breathing coach, movement educator and recently has become a Molchanovs Freediving instructor. Bruno has been teaching and imparting his knowledge since 1995 in nearly 40 countries worldwide to people from all walks of life.

In 2016 Bruno founded Formless Arts, a multidisciplinary hub whose focus of interest revolves around a multitude of perspectives from movement philosophy, sport science, neuroscience, human physiology, existential and spiritual inquiries.
bruno caverna
Bruno Caverna
Bruno's first teaching experience was in 1995 as a facilitator of capoeira activities for the inmates of a psychiatric hospital. For a couple of years Bruno tried helplessly to follow an academic path through the studies of Psychology and Physiotherapy. However he grew skeptical upon noticing how the perspective and tendencies of his professional future was sneakily being shaped and imposed onto him.

In 2000 Bruno decided to take a radical decision and dropped out of his comfortable zone from a middle upper class in Rio de Janeiro to go wandering aimlessly alone in the Amazon rainforest. It was an important decision to consciously challenge the establishment at that time, not to conforme or succumb to the flow that society was trapping him into one very narrow life perspective. Such an action allowed Bruno to take the responsibility of his future and destiny back into his hands. Such an impulse led Bruno to leave everything he had behind, to merge into a huge dreadful unknown, facing his deepest fears. This amazonic experience profoundly transformed his perception towards life and death, work, purpose, relationships and even the meaning of love, fear and freedom.

Ever since the Amazon experience Bruno has become a wanderer sharing his visions, practices and philosophy all over the world in more than 35 countries. In these past 30 years Bruno has been committed to teach from a place of authentic, integrative and holistic cultivation, weaving and honoring nearly 40 years of knowledge accumulation he was gifted by coming across distinguished teachers and masters.

Alexander Solovev is one of those rare geniuses who has been directly transmitting to Bruno a concealed knowledge from ancient russian martial arts. The encounter with Alexander in 2016 had a major revolution on every level of Bruno's life and profession, particularly in the way of sharing the embodiment of a very unique falling principle.

Currently Bruno is undergoing a creative process in structuring his own methodology and pedagogy GFP (Gravitational Field Principle) with a clear purpose to bridge this unknown gravitational language to a broader audience. By seeing the effects of this principle applied into people's life beyond the classes contexts, Bruno has become convinced that GFP has the potential to become a deeply transformative tool, a powerful healing knowledge in the individual processes, inasmuch as all of us relate to gravity carrying inevitably the burden of functioning in its field 24/7.
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  • Till 19 Oct - 90% refundable
  • Till 31st Oct - non refundable but 50% can be reused in other Play-Fight events till summer 2025
  • From 1 Nov - Non refundable
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© 2024 Liquid Body Practice
Formless Arts by Bruno Caverna
Website by Marina Sekacheva