29 - 30 JUNE
10:00 - 12:00 (CET)
The Art of Exhaling
Transforming Breath into Medicine
Do you have questions about the online course? Contact us!
What you will get in this course
Autonomy to regulate the nervous system
Tools to control and harmonize anxiety levels
Exercises to Improve physical performance and endurance
Knowledge to expand respiratory capacity
Guidelines to boost longevity
Access enter into deep meditative state through specific breathing patterns
How to influence the immune system consciously
Integration and application of the healing mechanisms from breath-work into various aspects of life
▸ Hormesis applied through breath-work
▸ Healing mechanisms through hypoventilation
▸ Neuroscience and trauma release.
▸ Intermittent hypoxic training
▸ Benefits of CO2 tolerance practice
▸ Breathing Parkour concept
▸ From science to spirituality
▸ Passive vs forceful exhalation practices
▸ Spherical breathing, perception and dimensions
▸ Breath as a portal to the mystery
Diving deeply into the exhaling practice. In last 15m space dedicated for questions and comments.
The sessions will be recorded from zoom and they will be available on the platform online for the following 3 months.
  • Bernadette Schnabel
    Cultural Project Leader/Shiatsu Therapist
    "Being engaged in the Formless Arts practice feels like a continuous revelation to me. I don't use that word lightly, it is simply the closest I can get to describe the experience and impact of it. Whether it is Play-Fight, Breath-Ability or the Liquid Body practice: Bruno's commitment and generosity are contagious. Every event feels like a journey, a deep exploration through the finest layers of consciousness."
  • Leela Stutter
    Yoga and meditation teacher
    "After almost twenty years of being a yogi and many many trainings, I wasn't interested in learning yet another technique or method. Bruno's formless approach to movement is a perfect fit: I get to embody a principle in many different ways and shapes, which allows me to translate it into my own practise, teaching and every day life. It is invaluable to me to learn from sort of cutting edge teachers - Bruno most certainly is one of them. Far out there, at the edges of awareness, always surprising with new ideas and tools, illuminating what's possible in terms of the embodiment of no resistance."
  • Sofie Frölich
    "What a pleasure to have found Bruno and the practice he developed. What I appreciate most is to meet someone who is following his curiosity and passion with such a great commitment. The result of that is a practice which is filled with so much enthusiasm and joy. At the same time it feels very profound and you're confronted with your deepest issues which prevent you from participating fully in life. I love this combination, for me it's a nice lighthearted way of revealing hidden treasures."
My name is Bruno Caverna. I was born in 1976 in Rio de Janeiro and have spent half of my life based in Europe traveling and teaching my practices worldwide. I have dedicated my entire life studying and exploring body-mind-spirit disciplines since I was 10 years old. In 1995 I had my first teaching experience heading a Capoeira project for the inmates of a public psychiatric hospital in Rio. Ever since I have never given up imparting the knowledge I would accumulate along my learning and sharing trajectory. I have taught my approach to people from all walks of life around nearly 40 countries worldwide. In 2016 I founded Formless Arts, a movement philosophy umbrella that holds the two practices of my own creation: Play-Fight and Liquid-Body. More recently I gave birth to the GFP methodology (Gravitational Field Principle) which is an educational program intended to certify facilitators.
Meet your facilitator
Bruno Caverna
As far as the art of breathing is concerned, this particular branch of my path was ignited in 2002. Back in the days my former Taiji teacher handed down to me a particular dynamic Qi-Gong modality. He presented it to me as "chicken walking" because of the swirling motions while walking in slow motion. He claimed that such a practice played a huge role in his miraculously fully recovery after a near fatal car accident that left him in coma for 11 days with a broken cervical spine. I was deeply hooked and fascinated by his healing story. For the following years I took his story seriously. I wanted to feel in my body the healing powers from that seemingly simple practice so I started to train it obsessively to see which kind of results I would experience in my own body. Over time I began to notice stunning changes in my physiology, perception and mental states and, above all, my breathing capacities. I was amazed.. This single practice paved the way with a solid embodied knowledge for everything else I would explore and acquire later on in regards to teaching a breath practice with a strong foundation.

Since 2012 I have been practicing a form of Russian Martial Arts called Systema, which also teaches healing arts through a particular approach to breath. In 2018 I came across the fascinating Freediving and apnea world which had blown my mind ever since. More recently, in 2021, I educated myself as Butyeklo and Oxygen Advantage instructor with Patrick Mckeown with the sole purpose to back up my first hand embodied knowledge with a more solid scientific perspective.

From the amalgamation of all these elements and perspectives Breath-Ability Methodology was born. My approach offers a strong emphasis on the exhalation phase of the breath cycle. I give emphasis on CO2 tolerance, and value the benefits of intermittent training hypoxia in order to consciously restore a functional breathing. As a matter of fact, in our modern times humanity is suffering from an endemic breathing disorder. I feel commit to impart my knowledge if that could serve and empower individuals by restoring and regaining the simplicity of a very functional breath.
If you have questions, contact us by email:
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