The Basic Modules
Conceiving falling as a state of consciousness is more than an allegory, it appears as a planetary condition in the inescapable and mysterious relationship with gravity. It's only because we are constantly falling, that we can afford to feel the weight of our bodies on the skin and bones.


  • Embodying falling as a state of consciousness as opposed to mechanics or physical practices
  • The four limiting factors: innate fear of falling; consolidation of nervous system; articulated body; freedom of locomotion
  • Introduction to GFP system of injury and falling prevention
  • The unburdening of gravitational effects throughout the ageing process
  • Falling embodiment as a key for flow states
  • Healing our gravitational relationship
  • Releasing gravitational trauma beyond somatics means
  • Introduction to gravitational therapy basic principles
Spherical Dimensions is a profound and subtle somatic exploration through the spirals and spherical landscapes that sculpt the mysterious the field from which all living forms and organisms function and are embedded. Sphere is an expression of unbroken wholeness, the original form of the human body. Spirals are motifs through which lifeforce gathers and flows with colossal magical power.

  • Introduction to the 11 levels of Spherical Dimensions
  • Basic introduction to Biotensegrity and how to build tensegrity models
  • Reading the body-mind relationship through the concept of human sphericity
  • Spherical Dimensions as a bridge practice between aquatic and land disciplines
  • Application of the Spherical Dimensions into biomechanics, joint mobility and freedom of movement
  • Sphericity as an unifying principle
  • Perceptual sphericity as a way for self-cultivation
The Liquid-Body welcomes a premise in which we regard the architecture of the human body as a heritage from an evolutionary process of aeons from oceanic origins. From an embryological perspective we may recognize that the first shape of the human body is a single cell, mostly composed of fluids, a liquid sphere from which every physical structure is originated. The body of a newborn baby all the way to our death will always carry an expression of that aquatic heritage and therefore inhabiting a liquid body is prior to any human concept, a truly empowering retrieval of our ancestral aquatic roots and memories.


  • Science of water flow
  • Research on water behaviour from Theodor Schwenk and Victor Schauberger perspectives
  • Introduction to basics of aquatic therapy in the warm pool
  • Healing water properties
  • Gravity Practice
    The breath is a powerful tool for self-knowledge and self-discovery, yet a most intimate connection towards the essence of our beings. Behind the simplicity from each inhalation and exhalation lies an intricate complexity of qualities and expressions that travel through all spheres of the body-being. To observe and study attentively our own breath is akin to have an internal mirror that reflects our states of consciousness and how the body-mind relationship and processes unfold and manifest


    • Introduction to breathing biochemistry - biomechanics and cadence
    • Science behind CO2 tolerance and hypoxic states
    • The psychological and existential dimensions behind breathlessness sensations
    • Regulation of the ANS - autonomic nervous system
    • Hyperventilation - hypoventilation practices
    • Restoring functional healing breathing patterns
        Play-Fight Practice will serve as an archive of exercises and drills for the embodiment of the whole GFP course. The practice weaves movement philosophy with exceedingly fine internal work immersed in partnering. Through physical interactions we may identify our internal fighting patterns reflected on the shade of our partner's body. The mirror effect is a powerful way to shed awareness into the blind spots, dark sides and unconscious blockages that tend to be accumulated and stored in the bodies dysfunctionally. We learn how to read the shades and shadows through the light of our sense of self-honesty.The friendly confrontational nature of the practice becomes a precious mutual gift as it may deliver with an impeccable clarity our own individual inner battle towards gravity oftentimes sculpted on each other's bodies.