Breath-Ability through Liquid-Body and Play-Fight Practices

This module will focus primarily on the breath and it will be woven with the Formless Arts practices such as Liquid-Body and Play-Fight to ensure that we will move through a balanced process between internal somatic exploration and some degrees of physicality and interaction between bodies.

What is Breath-Ability

«reath-Ability is a breathing methodology develop by Bruno Caverna whose focus is the regulation of the nervous system through a gentle mindful integration of the breathing practices into every daily moments. The approach amalgamates knowledge from various perspectives such as Butyeko Method, Oxygen Advantage, Coherent Breathing, Freediving and Qi-Gong. Morevoer, Breath-Ability is supported by over two decades of Bruno's explorations and experiences into inner breathing's realms.
28 September - 2 October 2023, Italy
All humans are endowed with an innate fear of falling, a characteristic so ingrained into our nervous system enough to bind all of us, regardless of culture, ethos, credo, race or age.. As we grow older and as the bodies age, this inescapable fear of falling becomes more expressive and visible, particularly in the gestures and motor functioning of the elderly ones. Nonetheless this inborn fear plays a vital role in sustaining our existence, a primal drive that ensures our survival. A neglectful relationship to falling may imply serious damage or even fatal incidents, therefore the fear of falling is not to be disregarded but ackboweged and treated from all perspectives. It is not possible to approach falling without implying gravity irrevocably. The fear of falling guides us through dangers but also has the power to shape human behaviours, our bodies and minds on its flip-sides. Even though it is difficult to tap the source of the fear, we can easily recognize its side effects revealed through dysfunctional movement patterns that undermine the fullness of human capabilities and potential.
22 - 27 November 2023, Italy
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